Queer Girl Film Club
Queer Girl Film Club
Episode 35 - Bottoms (2023)
We’re doing it for the ugly, untalented gays this week. We waited so many years for films where girls could be stupid and gross and horny and gay, and then in 2023 we finally got Bottoms, a love-it-or-hate-it tale of the stupidest heroines we’ve met on this podcast so far.
Your mileage for stupid and dark humour may vary, but Queer Girl Film Club are here to discuss how the film acknowledges women’s anger and violence in a way which isn’t sexy for men, whether it stands up to a rewatch, and what being in a fight actually feels like. There’s also discussion of having your sexual awakening to She’s the Man, an inexplicably large number of spoilers for Pretty Little Liars and the answer to last episode’s big question: when G popped the question, was the answer Yes or No?
CN: Discussion of rape jokes, swearing, spoilers and discussion of a sexual nature.