Queer Girl Film Club

Episode 18 - Loving Annabelle (2006)

Queer Girl Film Club Season 3 Episode 6

Problematic romance! Mary Sues or Manic Pixies Dream Teens! What was school really like for both students and teachers? Queer Girl Film Club are here to unpick the acres of oh-dear that is Loving Annabelle (2006), a romantic drama about a teacher falling for her… 17 year old student?! Oh 2006, what were you thinking???

Along the way the gang discuss all the ways the film gets teaching wrong (incredibly, it’s not just the safeguarding nightmare of the central relationship which Alice finds fault with), relive their school disco days, and grill Holly a bit more about what it’s like to go to a Catholic school. There’s also tips on how to lesson plan, how porcupines signal quirkiness, and Holly accidentally makes a new jingle.

CN: swearing, spoilers, discussion of a sexual nature, discussion of age-inappropriate relationships.